The Station is an interactive digital exploration of a post-apocalyptic space station. Based on of the Myth of Sisyphus, and tied to nostalgia as a weapon of ideology, two A.I. Sabrina and Alex, accompany the viewer through the station. Each of the 43 rooms visually and audibly reference various ages in Earth’s history, including nostalgia of the future.


For optimal viewing please wear headphones.

Check out Vi Trinh’s Q+A.

Read a response to The Station.


profile bw 2.jpg Vi Trinh specializes in digital media that examines the relationship between social patterns, power dynamics, and ecology and technology, primary work includes Escape and The Station. She graduated from the University of Richmond in 2019 with a B.A. in Visual and Media Arts Practice & Leadership and is currently the Post Graduate Resident at the Torpedo Factory Art Center. Exhibition History includes Digital U: Extreme Views pt. 2, Art Gene, Cumbria, England. △: Senior Thesis Exhibition, Harnett Museum of Art, Richmond, VA, featuring 1% for the 1% and Escape.

The Station | A Response By Gabi Williams