Response to Deconstructing Whiteness | Que Peterson
As we come to the end of 2020, we can look back at the events that landed us in what felt like a parallel...

Response to The Sounds That Divide Us | Ellie Holdsworth
Sounds are an increasingly prevalent form of digital art, which Julia Fairbrother strongly demonstrates through one of her most recent works, The Sounds That...

Response to Gazing | Alexis Angelus
In Gazing (2019) Zhongkai Li explores voyeurism and authority. Li confronts the viewer with their own image projected upon a simple black screen; at...

The Station | A Response by Gabi Williams
“Each person is temporal, but the ideas that mankind creates are eternal. It perpetuates itself” – A.I. Alex, The Station 1920s. In the grand...

A Response To True Match | Kate Wiley
In the first thirty seconds of Andrea Mikysková’s True Match (2017), the viewer is rapidly confronted with imagery of our highly developed, global world....

Defying giants: A Response to Airborne Fulfillment Center Patent: US9305280B1 | Nícolas Silva
Believe it or not, Amazon actually has a patent for a flying warehouse. It’s called Airborne Fulfillment Center, and its patent details a...

Judith Sönnicken, The Fearless Leader We Never Knew We Needed: A Response to Google Gardening | Hannah Grow
As users immersed in this digital world, our data is collected, harvested, used and then concealed from us, despite being the creators. Judith Sönnicken...

Smiling Through The Pain: A Response To Late Capitalist GIF Thoughts | Rachel Bochner
“Happy Hump Day😜!” “Almost the weekend…😅” “TGIF!🙌🏽” Some might call this ‘smiling through the pain.’ The term “late capitalism” has recently become a particularly...

Cybernated Frames: A Response to Please Step Out of the Frame | Yuwei Lin
I stepped into a frame in which artist Karissa Hahn allows for no escape. Just as how Nam June Paik employed a conceptual use...

Reexamining the “Real”: A Response to STRANGERS COWBOYS | Izzy Pezzulo
Emily Sasmor’s STRANGERS COWBOYS is a journey that takes place over time, with many different elements, exploring the lives of (unnamed) characters taking place...