otherness | Feixue Mei
In the piece, otherness (2019), Feixue Mei uses animation, language, and pop culture media, to capture the perspective of a cultural outsider in a...

A Moon Shaped Pool | Damian Hondares
Everyone has one of those formative moments in life, when they suddenly come to the realization that, in that moment, of all the infinitesimal...

Here We Are Now, Entertain Us
In the nineteen nineties, twin serpents came about: increased media access (in the infant form of cable television and then, more importantly, the birth...

Fan Theories and Media Mythologies
Fan theories have become the new Buzzfeed plague as of late, no doubt appearing on your social media feeds accompanied by a few choice...

Internship Opportunities Here | Monica Hunasikatti
Like so many other college students, I don’t know what I want to do with my life following graduation. I have so many dreams...

That Heavenly Man Smell
Seize on the image of a metallic, black bird streaking across the sky, before I ask: what’re your concerns, my son? Step right up...

Atomic Zapruder
It’s just you and me, now. The last two punks. Desperate honeymooners on the eve of the apocalypse. The shattered glass in your hair...

You Spin Me Right ‘Round
The little aliens from Independence Day have always fascinated me. They’re the Russian stacking dolls of aliens. At first blush, they seem like tall,...

Dear Internet, Please Stop Treating Real People Like Fictional Characters | Rachel Hall
Consider this an open letter to the Internet, or at least to the fan communities, or “fandoms,” that seem to have found a home...

The Male Domain: Exclusion of Women in Video Games | Kayleigh Connor
My fingers fly over my keyboard as I punch out the motions of virtual battle. Stab to the left, the right, fireball, heal, crack...