Digital Commemoration and an Online Afterlife, Part II
As the depth and complexities of living life online grow in magnitude, so does the urgency of developing ways to deal with death in...

How social media is changing Hollywood | Nicola Freedman
The advent of the digital age has significantly changed the strategies of filmmakers and—in particular—Hollywood. The marketing process, as well as the very window...

Cyberactivism, Its Past and Its Future | Elizabeth Sherer
There is always that one overly-political Facebook friend who spams the site with incessant posts about the same issue, relentlessly reminding others how little...

My thesis is me alone on google hangouts again | Mattea Lea
Judy’s right; “This is just an act” is dangerous. Rather, it denies a danger. “This is just a blog,” less (and more) so. I...

Mutilation Mile (and the Picture People Who Run It)
I’m a sucker for mirrors. Sometimes I get caught gazing into one while I’m sitting at a booth in a restaurant. Looking over the...

Cyberutopian Politics in the 21st Century
Cyberutopianism*—or the belief in the power of the Internet to serve as an emancipatory and even inherently democratic force—is a set of ideals impinged...

Digital Amnesia | Tobias Linnemann Ewé
Archives are repositories of the past orientated towards the future and creation of cultural memory. Up until recently, most digital archives for new media...

Twitter Terrorism: A Sophisticated Weapon in the War on Terror | Jane Ninivaggi
Mohammad Hamzah Khan grew up in a suburban Chicago home watching Dragon Tales and Batman, earning a Presidential Physical Fitness Award, and playing basketball...

Going Clear: A Review
Before I even begin, I have to give the “Church” of Scientology some credit. I really do. In the year 2015, with literally billions...

The Perfect Soldier | Virtual Interactive Worlds
The Perfect Soldier is a performance piece that explores the connection between personality traits and the human soldier. Throughout history, the ideal of the...