Feminist Pornography: A Sexy Revolution
The first time I watched porn, I was 15 years old. It was late and I was alone. It was not desire or lust...

Bad Ghosts, Electric Graveyard
Text messaging and internet chatting has turned us all into Frankensteins. The goal is to emulate real life, to as closely approximate real-life conversation...

What’s In a Name? My (non)Internet Presence, and Involvement With Cooper Union
When I Google my name, mostly embarrassing things appear, like art that I made in high school (why?) It’s really bizarre to think about;...

Cruising for an Intergalactic Bruising
Facebook, that helpful hubbub of information, told me that we can all finally stop holding our breaths: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the...

Fan Theories and Media Mythologies
Fan theories have become the new Buzzfeed plague as of late, no doubt appearing on your social media feeds accompanied by a few choice...

Eyes on the Skies
I was listening to Opie and Anthony on the radio this morning and heard something that cracked me up, for whatever reason. The topic...

Just Be Evil
I heard a rumor that my writing was bleak. I’m not sure if I believe it or not. The way I see it, not...

Make the Next Legal U-Turn
Every time I stop at a red light, my GPS thinks I’ve fallen off the face of the earth. Disappeared. Gone. Vanished. Bye-bye. Worse,...

Oblivion and the Internet
I wasn’t going to write this piece. I thought about it, considered writing and then stopped. Lest I should bloviate as per usual or...

Dear reader, welcome! Welcome to the pulse of Millennial America. I think I’ve figured out our schtick. What separates us from those who’ve come...