Denver Nuckolls | Q+A

Digital America interviewed Denver Nuckolls in November 2023 about their piece, dead account (2023). ::: Digital America: In dead account you delve into the...

dead account ep featured image

dead account | Denver Nuckolls

An EP of six songs, “dead account” aurally explores the relationship between humans and technology. Meant to be listened to in order, the difference...

terry cole featured image

Terry Cole | Q+A

Digital America interviewed Terry Cole in November 2023 about their piece Patient Object (2022). ::: Digital America: “Patient Object” (2022) is recorded on a...

bio photo Emily d'Archiardi

Emily d’Achiardi | Q+A

Digital America interviewed Emily d’Achiardi in November 2023 about their piece Goodbye Payton (2023). ::: Digital America: “Goodbye Payton” (2023) is a web-based piece...

bio photo Adrian Pijoan

Adrian Pijoan | Q+A

Digital America interviewed Adrian Pijoan in November 2023 about their piece Believe in us but not too much (2022). ::: Digital America: In “Believe...

black and white photo of Benna Gaean Maris

Benna Gaean Maris | Q+A

Digital America interviewed Benna Gaean Maris in November 2023 about their piece Marketing Keeled Free Web Like a Storm (2022). ::: Digital America: Your piece,...

Robert Spahr Q+A bio photo

Robert Spahr | Q+A

Digital America interviewed Robert Spahr in November 2023 about their Crufts (YEAR) pieces. ::: Digital America: The CRUFT series involves creative use of code,...

Lu Gibson | Q+A

Digital America interviewed Lu Gibson in November 2023 on her piece Making sense of what pieces were left. ::: Digital America: “Making sense of...