Making sense of what __ pieces were left… | Lu Gibson
“Making sense of what ___ pieces were left…” (2023) uses a series of nine digital collage and written short pieces to tell stories of...

Family Photo Album | Ziyi Zhang
Ziyi Zhang’s Family Photo Album (FPA) (2023) is an interactive, browser-based work of art that explores the artist’s “bestie,” a Chinese international student who...

Electric Flesh & Anatomical Intervention | Ryota Matsumoto
Using a hybrid of digital and physical media, artist Ryota Matsumoto creates busy, vibrant layers of organically shaped oddities. In Electric Flesh and Anatomical...

Gestures & Right to Left | Dowon Yoo
Artist Dowon Yoo deconstructs the westernized point of view through digital production tools. In Gesture (2020), Yoo partially obscures videos from the Sanggye Olympics;...

Volumetric Portrait | Amanda VanValkenburg
Experimenting with technology intended for VR, artist Amanda VanValkenburg brings images of deceased Brazilian creatives to life. A portrait of Clarice Lispector, a revolutionary...

Promise Burden Prompt Origin Defense Palette Call | Damon Pham
In his video piece, Promise Burden Prompt Origin Defense Palette Call (2022), Damon Pham invites the viewer into the inner workings of his mind....

How Long After This Before I’m Gone? | Katina Bitsicas
How long after this before I’m gone? (2021) is an interactive AR project featuring a digital drawing of mantle cell lymphoma cells, the type...

Elsewhere | Margaret Noble
Elsewhere (2022) is a portal to over forty live camera feeds stationed in nature worldwide. The project acts as a soothing window to such...

Dowon Yoo | Q + A
Digital America interviewed Dowon Yoo in April 2023 about his pieces Gestures (2020) & Right to Left (2022). ::: Digital America: In your piece,...

Ryota Matsumoto | Q + A
Digital America interviewed Ryota Matsumoto in April 2023 about his piece Electric Flesh and Anatomical Intervention. ::: Digital America: You have a rich background...