All They Can | Zoe Chronis
All They Can (2019) is a web-based sentence generator by artist Zoe Chronis that explores pronoun swapping as a democratic discourse. The text for...

Heavy-Eyed Tyrants and Boring Machine Operators | Kailum Graves
In Heavy-Eyed Tyrants and Boring Machine Operators (2020), Kailum Graves montages both past and present heads of state and members of the Group of...

Acts in Translation | Dalena Tran
Dalena Tran explores the distinctive soundscape created between two cities in her generated moving image and sound-installation piece Act in Translation (2020). Tran questions...

Yosemite | Jenna deBoisblanc
Yosemite (2021) is a “netscape” that explores cyber-realities and their relation to real-world issues. deBoisblanc highlights our obsession with idyllic nature imagery as desktop backgrounds,...

Response to Yosemite | Kathleen Firment
Opening on a distorted desktop wallpaper of mountains, “Yosemite” (2021) is a performance: there is a feigned interaction between user and web, simulating cybernetic...

A Butterfly in the Cloud | Eryk Salvaggio
Eryk Salvaggio, in his video piece A Butterfly in the Cloud (2021), explores the relationship between nature and technology. Salvaggio employs artificial intelligence to...

Avenue S | Jody Zellen
In Avenue S (2020), Jody Zellen explores the changing human landscape of Los Angeles during COVID-19. An expansion of Zellen’s ongoing project, Ghost City,...

Jenna deBoisblanc | Q+A
Digital America interviewed Jenna deBoisblanc in November 2021 about her work Yosemite (2021) and internet culture. ::: DigA: Your undergraduate degree is in physics,...

Jody Zellen | Q+A
Digital America interviewed Jody Zellen in November 2021 about her work Avenue S (2020) and the effects of Covid-19 and resulting period of isolation....

Peter Christenson and Lester Black | Q+A
Digital America interviewed Peter Christenson and Lester Black in November 2021 about their piece An Incomplete Diary of Covid Complaints (2021), collaborative work, and...