Lost in Translation
The Internet is a worldwide meeting ground where vast amounts of information are transferred and stored. However, to make sense of it all, information...

A Stranger-web: The Death and Rebirth of the Chatroom
“…I am always reminded of how small changes in the details of a digital design have profound unforeseen effects on the experiences of humans...

Unplugged: A 24-hour Media Fast
Instant access to friends, family, and information is part of the fabric of 21st century American life. Our devices are part of our extended...

Branding Digital America | featuring Sarah King
After about a half dozen false starts getting the branding in place, our marketing intern, Erin Smith, brought us Sarah King. Sarah not only...

“i am your girlfriend” (and life is a drag) | by Kenta Murakami
“i am your girlfriend” – a performance piece by Columbia undergrad Hari Nef – is dizzying in its ambition. The first time I watched...

Dreaming Electric Keloid
It’s between the hours of midnight and three AM, mostly. That’s when the most heinous stuff comes out; when the most maladjusted parts of...

A Different Kind of Internet
When discussing the Internet, the definitive article ”the” is employed. After all, it is the Internet, conjuring the image of a single system—albeit one...

Fashion Blogging and Webcam Media | Leslie Bloomfield
Fashion is broadcasted to us through one-to-many1 platforms that construct visual environments around lifestyles that sell personal identities and prescribed values using clothing as...

How the Internet is Helping the Music Industry | Will Johnson
The music industry is dying. At least, this is the common expression among music businessmen. The availability of music for cheap prices and the...

The Demise of net.art: A Look At Artifacts Past | Kenta Murakami
The absorption of radical art movements by the mainstream has become a cliché of the avant-garde. “Subversion to assimilation to absorption”: a cycle net.artist...