The Millennium Map Experience | Celia Landesberg
In today’s society, millennials often take many of the tools around them for granted. The various digital networks and technological tools that the millennial...

The Male Domain: Exclusion of Women in Video Games | Kayleigh Connor
My fingers fly over my keyboard as I punch out the motions of virtual battle. Stab to the left, the right, fireball, heal, crack...

Internet Profiles: The Identities the Web Has Created For Us | Angela Polinsky
“We’re at the start of a revolution in the ways marketers and media intrude in – and shape – our lives.” (Turow 1-2). This...
Al-Qaeda’s Media Strategy (An Excerpt) | Rebecca Earnhardt
Digital America is publishing an excerpt of Rebecca’s essay “Al-Qaeda’s Media Strategy.” The entire essay can be found as a .pdf link at the...

Section Two: The Magical Mystery Revival
Digital America is excited to publish Norberto Gomez, Jr.’s exploratory manifesto on the 21st century art machine. We have done our best to bring...

Flickr Friends | Kenta Murakami
I used to spend a lot of time on Flickr. It wasn’t until coming to college that I realized that not everyone lived so...

Lady Gaga: Pop Banquet
I want to eat Lady Gaga. Fork and knife like a damn Ke$ha cannibal, and I get the sneaking suspicion that Lady Gaga wants...

Digital Tattoo
Writers are a pack of liars, and the only people who will tell you the truth. They take that wound and rub lemons and...

Gaming the University of Richmond
Games of all shapes and sizes have been integral parts of society for team building, strategizing, collaborating and entertaining purposes. Students in Professor Bezio’s...

Designing Cities of the Future
Today’s cities are becoming increasingly dense as people choose to live more urban lives, which affects sustainability efforts put in place to protect the...