brat but it’s totally not brat just you | Emily d’Achiardi
Emily d’Achiardi’s brat but it’s totally not brat just you (2024) is an interactive web piece that cuts up and reformulates musical artist’s Charlie XCX’s...

Deliberate Decoding | Ellen Hart
Deliberate Decoding (2023) presents an interactive, browser-based hyperlink artwork delving into the artist’s exploration of digital art. In this immersive experience, the artist grapples...

Eight, Four Five | Jessica Mairena
Eight, Four Five is Jessica Mairena’s exploration of trauma and psychology through conceptual drawings, as affected by the precariousness of the digital sphere. The...

Resurrecting the Patchwork Girl in the Pain Index | Izzy Pezzulo
“I am buried here. You can resurrect me, but only piecemeal. If you want to see the whole, you will have to sew me...

The Pain Index | Nicole Brunel
Nicole Brunel’s Pain Index takes us back to the early days of hyperlinked artwork. With a similar format to Patchwork Girl by Shelley Jackson and...