Most Days | Justin Hubbell
Editor’s Note: Most Days was originally published in Issue No. 3 as a Comics feature. ::: A native of “the South Wedge” in Rochester...

Anxiety/Happiness | Julia Eldred
Losing Time Isolation Futile Pursuit, Part 1 Futile Pursuit, Part 2 Artist’s Statement For a video artist, my process of allowing form to follow...

Awe Evolving: Transforming Notions of Awe in the Digital Age | Greg Bayles
Introduction Recent years have witnessed a burgeoning in the study of awe. The introduction of digital technologies into this question as to the nature...

Apple (a poem) | Renée Farrar
Renée Farrar is earning a Master’s degree in English at the University ofColorado in Boulder. She is interested in literature, drama, and mediatechnologies that...

The Millennium Map Experience | Celia Landesberg
In today’s society, millennials often take many of the tools around them for granted. The various digital networks and technological tools that the millennial...

The Male Domain: Exclusion of Women in Video Games | Kayleigh Connor
My fingers fly over my keyboard as I punch out the motions of virtual battle. Stab to the left, the right, fireball, heal, crack...

Internet Profiles: The Identities the Web Has Created For Us | Angela Polinsky
“We’re at the start of a revolution in the ways marketers and media intrude in – and shape – our lives.” (Turow 1-2). This...
Al-Qaeda’s Media Strategy (An Excerpt) | Rebecca Earnhardt
Digital America is publishing an excerpt of Rebecca’s essay “Al-Qaeda’s Media Strategy.” The entire essay can be found as a .pdf link at the...

Branding Digital America | featuring Sarah King
After about a half dozen false starts getting the branding in place, our marketing intern, Erin Smith, brought us Sarah King. Sarah not only...

How the Internet is Helping the Music Industry | Will Johnson
The music industry is dying. At least, this is the common expression among music businessmen. The availability of music for cheap prices and the...