CLOSE TO YOU | Emily Sasmor

Emily Sasmor’s CLOSE TO YOU (2024) is an animated visual opera exploring queer love through 55 androgynous characters— “Drifters.” The work is live streamed...

julianne | Julianne Aguilar

julianne (2024) reflects a year-long exploration into both appearing and disappearing on the internet. Mexican-American artist Julianne Aguilar is motivated to bring back the...

Flower Burial

Flower Burial | Nathan Harper

In Flower Burial (2024) Nathan Harper explores the ironic disembodiment of healthcare by manipulating personal experiences with medical debt collection while alluding to early...

008 | Vidya Giri (2024) is an ongoing project that translates the digital experience of web browsing into the tactile tradition of postcards. Recommended links are submitted,...

No Turn on Red

No Turn on Red | Jody Zellen

Jody Zellen’s No Turn on Red (2024) performs a metaphor and meditation on motion and waiting for motion. Taking the form of an interactive,...