I Hate Ten Ways
Some lists are great. I’m looking at you, To-Do Lists and Grocery Lists. Couldn’t get by without ya! Without a grocery list, I’d come...

Gaming the University of Richmond
Games of all shapes and sizes have been integral parts of society for team building, strategizing, collaborating and entertaining purposes. Students in Professor Bezio’s...

Unplugged: A 24-hour Media Fast
Instant access to friends, family, and information is part of the fabric of 21st century American life. Our devices are part of our extended...

Fashion Blogging and Webcam Media | Leslie Bloomfield
Fashion is broadcasted to us through one-to-many1 platforms that construct visual environments around lifestyles that sell personal identities and prescribed values using clothing as...

Virtual Interworlds
What does it mean for something to be virtual? And what does it mean for something to be a world? These are the questions...