In the piece, otherness (2019), Feixue Mei uses animation, language, and pop culture media, to capture the perspective of a cultural outsider in a hegemonic space. Through the piece, the intersections between assimilation, digital culture, and online identity are quickly revealed as Mei cultivates a simulation in which viewers can examine their own role in perpetuating otherness within digital culture.

Feixue Mei is an interdisciplinary artist and an assistant professor at Northwest Missouri State University. She is fascinated by mass media and internet culture. Her work explores diverse media such as publications, videos, performances, illustrations, comics, and installations, and examines how they may be used to address such contexts as globalization, cultural manipulation, language adaptation, intimate relation, as well as fluid identity. Her creative practice and research have been recognized by PCA/ ACA Conferences, Transformative Works and Cultures, Printed Matter Art Book Fairs, Singapore Art Book Fair, Art and Education, International Design Award (IDA), Graphis, and Creative Quarterly. She earned an MFA in Design with a concentration in visual communications from Virginia Commonwealth University, a BFA in Graphic Design from Colorado State University, and a BFA in Visual Communications from Central China Normal University.