Jody Zellen’s No Turn on Red (2024) performs a metaphor and meditation on motion and waiting for motion. Taking the form of an interactive, browser-based artwork, Zellen interrogates our cultural willingness to perform simulations by toying with the concepts of direction and pathways. The act of clicking through the bold text and graphic images on-screen is reminiscent of street signs coming in and out of view.

Digital America interviewed Jody Zellen in April of 2024.
Livi Palalay responded to No Turn on Red in April of 2024.
Check out Jody Zellen’s past work, Without a Trace, The Human Touch, and Avenue S, with Digital America in Issues 11, 13 and 18.

Jody Zellen is a Los Angeles based artist who works in many media simultaneously. She creates interactive installations, mobile apps, net art, animations, drawings, paintings, photographs, public art, and artists’ books. What motivates her as an artist is to learn how to use and then integrate digital technologies into artworks that enliven and activate both public and private spaces. She wants her viewers to be inspired to think about the relationship between what is seen and what is imagined.