How long after this before I’m gone? (2021) is an interactive AR project featuring a digital drawing of mantle cell lymphoma cells, the type of cancer artist Katina Bitsicas’ father passed away from. The user can activate each section of the digital cell by tapping on it, which then plays a quote from her father. There are 32 total audio sections that the user can interact with, which is a small sample of the hours of audio recorded by Bitsicas in his last months. Each section attempts to reveal the complex thought process of someone coping with a terminal illness by allowing the user to interact and contemplate at their own pace.
We encourage you to view the AR on Instagram.
Check out Katina’s Q&A.
Check out Jax Donohue’s response to How long after this before I’m gone?

Katina Bitsicas is a Greek-American new media artist who utilizes video, installation, AR, and performance in her artworks to explore grief, loss, trauma, and memory. In 2022, her artist book Luci: The Girl with Four Hearts was published by Flower Press. She is an Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Digital Storytelling at the University of Missouri, where she also conducts research with the MU School of Medicine on utilizing digital storytelling as a meaning-making intervention for bereaved family members.