In the piece, Fuck, Where is the Mute: Leaders Annual General Meeting 2021 (2021), Johnathan Kelham depicts internet communication in 2021 through an early 2000s internet aesthetic. Using animation, morse code, and extensive commentary embedded throughout the piece, the artist captures the consuming nature of the present-day internet exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Fuck, Where is the Mute reminds us how design, and our bodies’ latency to the digital onslaught, contributes to the “always on” pervasivness of the internet.

Jonathan Kelham is a digital artist based in the United Kingdom. Kelham’s work predominately explores the construction of a romanticized, melancholic, and self-deprecating sense of self. The work presents a collection of hybrid characters who explore this particular bumbling, narcissistic self in a hyperbolised western fictional space “The Leaders of Men.” Kelham has completed Postgraduate Qualifications at Birmingham Institute of Art & Design and University of Essex, he is currently undertaking an Art Practice Ph.D. at the University for Creative Arts in Farnham, U.K.