Editor’s Note: Down the Upward Spiral was first published in Issue No. 3 as a Comics feature.
If you’re interested in dark twisted humor then look no further. Down the Upward Spiral, a webcomic created by Corey Giacco, explores those very themes. Launched in 2012, Corey first started publishing his cartoons in his college newspaper, The Old Gold & Black, at Wake Forest University as a way to share his humor with the community. The strips produced during that time were just single panel comics that could easily fit in the newspaper and grew to be longer and more complicated as time progressed. As a way to gain a larger readership and explore different art styles, Corey opted to move his comics online through his website. While his website is still young, Corey hopes to attract more viewers by updating his website with weekly content. The style of each Down the Upward Spiral strip varies from week to week by introducing different situations and themes. Not only does the theme change, but also the art and length.