Internet Profiles: The Identities the Web Has Created For Us | Angela Polinsky
“We’re at the start of a revolution in the ways marketers and media intrude in – and shape – our lives.” (Turow 1-2). This...
Al-Qaeda’s Media Strategy (An Excerpt) | Rebecca Earnhardt
Digital America is publishing an excerpt of Rebecca’s essay “Al-Qaeda’s Media Strategy.” The entire essay can be found as a .pdf link at the...

Gaming the University of Richmond
Games of all shapes and sizes have been integral parts of society for team building, strategizing, collaborating and entertaining purposes. Students in Professor Bezio’s...

Designing Cities of the Future
Today’s cities are becoming increasingly dense as people choose to live more urban lives, which affects sustainability efforts put in place to protect the...

Unplugged: A 24-hour Media Fast
Instant access to friends, family, and information is part of the fabric of 21st century American life. Our devices are part of our extended...

Branding Digital America | featuring Sarah King
After about a half dozen false starts getting the branding in place, our marketing intern, Erin Smith, brought us Sarah King. Sarah not only...

Fashion Blogging and Webcam Media | Leslie Bloomfield
Fashion is broadcasted to us through one-to-many1 platforms that construct visual environments around lifestyles that sell personal identities and prescribed values using clothing as...

How the Internet is Helping the Music Industry | Will Johnson
The music industry is dying. At least, this is the common expression among music businessmen. The availability of music for cheap prices and the...

The Demise of net.art: A Look At Artifacts Past | Kenta Murakami
The absorption of radical art movements by the mainstream has become a cliché of the avant-garde. “Subversion to assimilation to absorption”: a cycle net.artist...

Living in Loser City: an interview with the creators | Francesca Lyn
Recently I had the chance to talk to the founders of a new online venture, Loser City. Loser City is a cross-platform arts and...