Mixed Connections | Emma Dickson

“Still waiting…” “Lingering grace at J. Alexander’s.” “Gay hat, green shorts.” Through a randomized recombination of Craigslist Missed Connection posts, Emma Dickson’s Mixed Connections...

Without a Trace | Jody Zellen

Without a Trace slows down the streaming news cycle and asks us to take stock of the outline—the contrast—of the text and image presented. Jody...

THANK YOU | Vi Trinh

Vi Trinh’s animation, THANK YOU, explores the relationship between power and powerlessness, and thus casts the characters of humans, institutions, and animals. Trinh uses a...

Hyperobjects | Bryan Meador

Bryan Meador’s Hyperobjects is a collection of hybrid images at the intersection of digital collage and painting that results in a decadently reimagined natural...

Cyber Black Girl | Elizabeth Montague

Elizabeth Montague’s Cyber Black Girl explores the post-colonial nuances of the black female experience. Drawing upon her personal narrative as an African American woman, Montague...

Destroy Evil | Katie Bush

Katie Bush’s Destroy Evil is an overwhelming, disarming, and mesmerizing 90’s net art inspired piece aimed at critiquing George Bush’s 2002 ‘Axis of Evil’...