Damage Control
When I was still an undergrad at the University of Richmond, I wrote a Digital America piece on “the Streisand Effect,” an internet-age phenomenon...

FEELS LIKE SPAM from Keaton Fox on Vimeo. I made FEELS LIKE SPAM as a reaction to a warning I had received via Tinder. The...

Here We Are Now, Entertain Us
In the nineteen nineties, twin serpents came about: increased media access (in the infant form of cable television and then, more importantly, the birth...

The Feds vs. A Fruit
I want to share my (fairly unoriginal) thoughts regarding the Apple/FBI issue that has been in the news for the past month or so....

TR-8R: Transmedia and the Internet’s Star Wars Hero
Star Wars: The Force Awakens has given the internet a new hero. It’s not Finn, the former stormtrooper turned resistance fighter or Rey, the...

Blackstar: Trolled by the Goblin King
On November 19, 2015, I fell in love with a song that had just been posted on YouTube. Accompanied by a surrealist 10-minute music...

Tell Me What You Want (What You Really, Really Want)
I was at a holiday party. Stranded. Cornered in the kitchen. Forced to answer the question, “What do you want to do with your...

Millennialing A Murderer
On January 11th, 2016, at around 11:30 PM, Michael Leonberger climbed out of bed and made his way down the hall for a glass...

for Digital Graffiti
From January 19-26th, I was fortunate enough to have been invited and involved in the Alys Foundation’s Visiting Artist Series. The week long residency...

Friend for the Future
In the book Financially Fearless (which I am reading because I am a cliched twenty-something without any clue about how to manage my finances,...