Here We Are Now, Entertain Us
In the nineteen nineties, twin serpents came about: increased media access (in the infant form of cable television and then, more importantly, the birth...

Tell Me What You Want (What You Really, Really Want)
I was at a holiday party. Stranded. Cornered in the kitchen. Forced to answer the question, “What do you want to do with your...

Millennialing A Murderer
On January 11th, 2016, at around 11:30 PM, Michael Leonberger climbed out of bed and made his way down the hall for a glass...

Friend for the Future
In the book Financially Fearless (which I am reading because I am a cliched twenty-something without any clue about how to manage my finances,...

Happy New Year (I Hope It’s Not Too Late)
It’s deep winter, a new year, and I’d like to leave you something warm. I was going to pound out some diatribe about political...

The Amazing Spidey Fridge Logic
In 2012’s The Amazing Spider-Man, Peter Parker has a poster of Rear Window hanging in his room. So Web-Head knows a thing or two...

Therapy TV
(Author’s Note: I originally wrote a version of this article for a website called “Sucker Punch Cinema” that is now very much deceased. But...

Bad Ghosts, Electric Graveyard
Text messaging and internet chatting has turned us all into Frankensteins. The goal is to emulate real life, to as closely approximate real-life conversation...

Cruising for an Intergalactic Bruising
Facebook, that helpful hubbub of information, told me that we can all finally stop holding our breaths: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the...

Make the Next Legal U-Turn
Every time I stop at a red light, my GPS thinks I’ve fallen off the face of the earth. Disappeared. Gone. Vanished. Bye-bye. Worse,...