Elsewhere | Margaret Noble

Elsewhere (2022) is a portal to over forty live camera feeds stationed in nature worldwide. The project acts as a soothing window to such...


Dowon Yoo | Q + A

Digital America interviewed Dowon Yoo in April 2023 about his pieces Gestures (2020) & Right to Left (2022). ::: Digital America: In your piece,...

Gestures & Right to Left_Video Screenshot_Yoo

Ryota Matsumoto | Q + A

Digital America interviewed Ryota Matsumoto in April 2023 about his piece Electric Flesh and Anatomical Intervention. ::: Digital America: You have a rich background...

Ryota Matsumoto's bio photo

Ziyi Zhang | Q + A

Digital America interviewed Ziyi Zhang in April 2023 about her piece Family Photo Album (2022). ::: Digital America: In Family Photo Album (FPA) you...

Family Photo Album_Digital Art_Zhang

Katina Bitsicas | Q + A

Digital America interviewed Katina Bitsicas in April 2023 about her piece, How long after this before I’m gone? (2021). ::: Digital America: How long...

Margaret Noble | Q + A

Digital America interviewed Margaret Noble in April 2023 about her piece, Elsewhere (2022). Digital America: In issue 21, we published your piece Elsewhere. What...


Lindsay-Ann Chilcott | Q + A

Digital America interviewed Lindsay-Ann Chilcott in April 2023 about selections from her collection Cyborg Series. ::: Digital America: In Cyborg Series, you examine the...

Perception: A Curse_Social Media_Chilcott