Benna Gaeane Maris’s ingeniously crafts a clever parody of The Buggles’ iconic song “Video Killed the Radio Star” (1979) titled Marketing Keeled Free Web...
Ziyi Zhang’s Family Photo Album (FPA) (2023) is an interactive, browser-based work of art that explores the artist’s “bestie,” a Chinese international student who...
Using a hybrid of digital and physical media, artist Ryota Matsumoto creates busy, vibrant layers of organically shaped oddities. In Electric Flesh and Anatomical...
Since the rise of social media platforms in the twenty-first century, society has fallen into the cycle of yearning for validation through their online...
Artist Dowon Yoo deconstructs the westernized point of view through digital production tools. In Gesture (2020), Yoo partially obscures videos from the Sanggye Olympics;...
Experimenting with technology intended for VR, artist Amanda VanValkenburg brings images of deceased Brazilian creatives to life. A portrait of Clarice Lispector, a revolutionary...