Columns Michael Leonberger The Amazing Spidey Fridge Logic In 2012’s The Amazing Spider-Man, Peter Parker has a poster of Rear Window hanging in his room. So Web-Head knows a thing or two...
Q + A Thomas Asmuth | Q + A Thomas Asmuth is an artist and educator who creates works that span science and art, identity and robotics. He currently teaches as an assistant...
Columns Damian Hondares Language in the Age of Context Collapse My phone vibrates. I look down. It’s a message from my girlfriend. I just told her that I had to go for a couple...
Features Our Asphalt Playground: The Parking Lot Project | Izzy P., Kenta M., and Miranda R. :: Dig a hole. Shovel the dirt into a wheelbarrow. Dump the dirt back into the hole. :: Contemplate loss on a stump. ::...
Reviews Reviews: The Shadow of the Dome of Pleasure | Hana Aoake and Mya Middleton It was dark, so dark, so claustrophobic and there were too many bodies. It was overwhelming. I might have accidentally touched the bum of...
Columns Michael Leonberger Therapy TV (Author’s Note: I originally wrote a version of this article for a website called “Sucker Punch Cinema” that is now very much deceased. But...
Andrew Jones Columns Backseat Moderating It isn’t really my intention to get political in my Digital America column, because that kind of topic tends to almost immediately divide readers...
Features Along for the Ride: The Implications of Extended Memory, Lifelogging, and the Quantified Self | Dora O’Donnell Currently, lifelogging is defined as the activity of producing a continual record of your everyday life by carrying a portable camera and/or other digital...
Features Vine: Redefining Racial Stereotyping in Six Seconds | Jason Tham We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,...
Features Making Love: Poetry in Motion | Tal and Omer Golan Editors’ Note: This piece has since been removed from the journal. There is a random aspect to love. We can not predict who we...