Judith Sönnicken’s Google Gardening replicates the street view function within Google Maps in which panoramas try to mirror the physical experience of a place....
Kia Miakka Natisse is a passionate storyteller. She has a Master of Arts from NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualized Studies — where she concentrated...
Pete Burkeet’s piece Black Hole Son was published in Issue 12 of Digital America. In this interview Burkeet gives us insight into his making process...
Molly O’Donnell’s Spit explores the relationship between the grotesque and the natural as it navigates the complicated relationship we have with the internet and pressing...
“Happy Hump Day😜!” “Almost the weekend…😅” “TGIF!🙌🏽” Some might call this ‘smiling through the pain.’ The term “late capitalism” has recently become a particularly...