All They Can | Zoe Chronis

​​All They Can (2019) is a web-based sentence generator by artist Zoe Chronis that explores pronoun swapping as a democratic discourse. The text for...

All They Can feature image

Acts in Translation | Dalena Tran

Dalena Tran explores the distinctive soundscape created between two cities in her generated moving image and sound-installation piece Act in Translation (2020). Tran questions...

Feature image for Dalena Tran's Acts in Translation

Yosemite | Jenna deBoisblanc

Yosemite (2021) is a “netscape” that explores cyber-realities and their relation to real-world issues. deBoisblanc highlights our obsession with idyllic nature imagery as desktop backgrounds,...

Avenue S | Jody Zellen

In Avenue S (2020), Jody Zellen explores the changing human landscape of Los Angeles during COVID-19. An expansion of Zellen’s ongoing project, Ghost City,...

Jody Zellen's Avenue S representative image

Jenna deBoisblanc | Q+A

Digital America interviewed Jenna deBoisblanc in November 2021 about her work Yosemite (2021) and internet culture. ::: DigA: Your undergraduate degree is in physics,...

Jenna DeBoisblanc bio image

Zoe Chronis | Q+A

Digital America interviewed Zoe Chronis in November 2021 about her piece All They Can (2019) and the two written works that informed the piece–June...

Representative image for Zoe Chronis

Jody Zellen | Q+A

Digital America interviewed Jody Zellen in November 2021 about her work Avenue S (2020) and the effects of Covid-19 and resulting period of isolation....

Bio image of Jody Zellen