Ciarán Shorts’, iHope (2021) integrates spoken word poetry with snapshots of the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests. Shorts’ poem narrates his “personal response to...
Digital America interviewed Marco Jacconi in April 2022 about his various works. ::: Digital America: How did you begin exploring digital art? Do you...
Digital America interviewed Jamie Kessler in April 2022 to talk about Soundscapes in Motherhood (2019) and the process of creating the piece. ::: DigA:...
Andy DiLallo’s Steal This Sticker (2021) critiques how capitalist values have shifted cultural belief systems thus straying humanity from a “collective care network.” The...
In an attempt to seek sounds in unusual places, Alina Jacob’s Long Radio (2022) represents personal experiences and interactions of the artist throughout 2021....
Digital America interviewed Mihai Moldovanu in April 2022 about his work Bliss of the Epileptic. ::: Digital America: How does your background in photography...
Forest Kelley’s Virtual Worker Diaries (2022) offers a sobering view on “micro-labor,” and the inherent physical and emotional distancing that characterizes a digital workforce....
Digital America interviewed Ciarán Short in April 2022 about his piece iHope (2021) and the Black Lives Matter movement. ::: Digital America: Your piece...