Chun Guo’s Edit Ver. 1 (2024) is an visually rich animated video that explores how contemporary users attempt to construct and deconstruct their identity...
Bio_Extasis (2024) is an experimental animation by artist Omar Batista. Batista utilizes OpenCv, Stable Diffusion, Blender 3D, Python and C++ to create a “visual...
Emily Sasmor’s CLOSE TO YOU (2024) is an animated visual opera exploring queer love through 55 androgynous characters— “Drifters.” The work is live streamed...
Lu Gillespie’s can-you-hear-me-over-the-files (2024) is an interactive, conceptual piece that orchestrates through a series of commands on the user’s personal device. The files are...
julianne (2024) reflects a year-long exploration into both appearing and disappearing on the internet. Mexican-American artist Julianne Aguilar is motivated to bring back the...
Calling upon early internet themes of hypertextual storytelling and fragmented narratives, artist Vivian Charlesworth creates an alternative reality in the VR piece As Real...
Emily d’Achiardi’s brat but it’s totally not brat just you (2024) is an interactive web piece that cuts up and reformulates musical artist’s Charlie XCX’s...
Digital America interviewed Julianne Aguilar in November of 2024 about her work julianne. ::: Digital America: julianne (2024) acts as a self-portrait that investigates...