Artists Peter Christenson and Lester Black brought together local artists, community members, and students to create An Incomplete Diary of Covid Complaints (2021)—a multimedia web-based piece illustrating the everyday issues and concerns related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Along with the everyday complaints, the ensemble highlight how modern storytelling has been consumed by commercial motivation, and how these processes have “changed contemporary storytelling on the fringes of mid-sized American cities.“ By sourcing local artists to the Kennewick-Paso-Richland area in Washington state, the artists amplify voices that might otherwise go unheard.

Click the image above or here to visit the site.
Check out an interview with Peter Christenson and Lester Black.

Participating Artists: GHCC Residency (Richland, WA), Lester Black (2021 GHCC Resident Scholar), Abigail Granley, Ashlee Gonzales, Natalie Mote, Elizabeth Rose Designs, Ryan Mariotti, Amber Puterbaugh, Victoria Rodriguez, Ashley Montes, Daniel Cole Grijalva, Sthefany Barron, Evelyn Cervantes, Rochelle DeLaCruz, Alex Losey, Nikki Biddle, Itzel Guerrero, Raul Contreras, Justin Hall, Sarah Ford, Spencer Brown, Makenzie Hatfield, Kolbie Brunson, Brenda Pineda, David Cohoe, Taylor Bierman, Peter Christenson
The Guest House Cultural Capital Residency (GHCCRes) is a visiting scholar residency program in Richland, WA. Richland is a mid-sized, rural-suburban community in Benton County in the southeastern part of the state of Washington, situated along the Columbia River. With the adjacent cities of Kennewick and Pasco, Richland is one of the “Tri-Cities.” The GHCCRes welcomes creative scholars with diverse backgrounds and research agendas to participate in the community-based residency. The GHCCRes seeks to promote creative research, diversity, education, entrepreneurship, and innovation in the Tri-Cities region, to define, archive, and perpetually re-define its “cultural trajectory,” and to collect and build creative capital in the area while empowering local constituents.