Airborne Fulfillment Center is a 360-degree collage by Jason Isolini. The work is inserted in the Google Maps universe using Google Business View, a tool businesses use to bring Google Maps users from their current locations into a business. This piece is virtually published at the location of the Amazon Fulfillment Center Warehouse in New York City and relates to the company’s first airborne delivery, questioning the extravagant employment of resources towards this type of customer convenience. The piece’s existence on Google Maps is precarious, to say the least, so Isolini has also documented the piece through Inpatium. 


See Nícolas Silva’s response to Airborne Fulfillment Center.


Jason Isolini is a multimedia artist working with collage. His work has focused on questions about private-as-public digital infrastructure, and visible versus invisible forms of labor. A recent publication by Vice Magazine titled “This Artist is Hacking Google To Create Surreal Street View Art” features an interview about his work among others.  Recent Exhibitions include “Perma Falling” at 77 Mulberry Street New York, and “Terms and Conditions May Apply” at Annka Kulty’s Gallery London, UK. Isolini has a BFA at the School of Visual Arts and lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.