Dalena Tran explores the distinctive soundscape created between two cities in her generated moving image and sound-installation piece Act in Translation (2020). Tran questions our universal perception and retention of everyday life around the world by “dislocating” and “defamiliarizing” listeners from what they know in order to foster a renewed appreciation for small yet significant moments.

Click here or the image above to experience the piece.
Read a response to Acts in Translation here.

Dalena Tran is a media artist, creative director, and educator whose research and
art practice reinterprets applications of traditional art forms with emerging digital
technologies through hybrid mediations. Engaging various media forms as semiotic
storytelling, she investigates the everyday confluences of language and expression;
presence and immateriality; voyeurism and surveillance; urbanism and hegemony; play
and pause. She earned her MFA in Design Media Arts from University of California Los Angeles, and a Bachelor of Arts in Film and Media Arts at the University of Utah. She is an editor of FLAT Journal and has more recently completed a Visiting Assistant Professorship at OSU teaching studio courses in Moving Image Art, 3D Animation, Sound & Image, and
Internet Art.